Skip Size Calculator

The number 1 question we get from all customers who haven’t ordered a skip before is ‘what size skip do I need’? It’s the hardest question to answer! We have come up with three ways to help you choose the right skip. If you use the Volume Calculator or the ‘Bags & Bins’ calculator, then we give you two skip suggestions and compare the two. 

Volume Calculator

Number of Bags or Bins

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All three methods of calculating the right skip size for your project are intended as a guide. They all have flaws and ultimately there is no way of knowing what size skip you need without some accurate measurements and a bit of experience with Skips.
We always say it’s best to get the biggest skip your project budget will allow.
Customers always find more rubbish if they find they need more to fill the skip, and it can really slow down progress if you find the skip you’re ordered is too small.
We hope these Tools will help you when deciding which size Skip to hire.